Altar Call Ministry

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Many great sermons have been destroyed by poor altar calls. Every anointed sermon requires a anointed altar call. The altar call is not about preaching the sermon over. Do you know what it is and how crucial it is? 
This 1 workshop will teach you: 

Certainly, here are 5 vital areas the workshop will likely cover:

1. The Theology of the Altar Call: Understanding the theological significance of the altar call within the context of Christian worship and its biblical foundations.

2. Effective Communication Techniques: Learning how to communicate the message of the altar call clearly, persuasively, and sensitively to encourage genuine responses.

3. Creating an Anointed Atmosphere:  Exploring strategies for creating a conducive atmosphere during the altar call that fosters spiritual receptivity and conviction.

4. Pastoral Care and Follow-Up: Understanding the importance of pastoral care in the aftermath of the altar call, including follow-up procedures to nurture and support individuals who respond.

5. Alignment with the Sermon and Anointing: Teaching participants how to ensure that the altar call harmonises with the themes and tone of the sermon, as well as how to cultivate a sense of spiritual anointing or empowerment during this critical moment of invitation and response.

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Altar Call Ministry

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